Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nana's birthday is next week. We have planned a special event each day since Wednesday. On Wednesday we ate lunch in Cindy's gazeba and then took mom to get her nails done.
Today we brought her over here and had lunch and watched a movie. ( the second National Treasure), tomorrow we go to the zoo.
I will post pictures when we get back!

Two more renformation pictures. Make sure and look at the previous post for more renformation pictures. I had called camp on Thursday( the day before the renformation camp started. I found out they could use some help so I ended up going and cooking for the weekend. It was fun!
We have had a lot of rain here. (over 4 1/2 inches since last Friday) The grass loves it!
You have been on my mind a lot this week. I was so pleased to hear you would be in town this weekend. I hope we can talk. Well that's all for now. Look for more after our zoo trip.
Love, Mom

1 comment:

Keah Payne said...

Hey Mom! That is awesome you are helping out at camp! The pictures are so much fun! I hope Shawna is having a blast!

Tonight we are meeting Lynette and the group one last time for dinner. We are going to give her some letters to be mailed (or handed out and a piece of material for Erin (graduation gift) If you can get it to her next time you or Shawna go to camp... Also something for the whole camp staff (hopefully).

I love you lots!