Friday, June 20, 2008

a Trip to the zoo

Isibella's first trip to the zoo.
She got a lot of attention!
Zebra, (from Africa) They were out and the closest
I had seen them to the fences in a long time!

This guy posed for us! He followed along as we walked by.
He must be used to cameras!

Katie holding Isibella, Aunt K, Nana, and Amanda.
Aunt Cindy came later.

They were out but not near the fnece, It made it
hard to get good pictures.

Aunt Cindy holding Isibella, Nana, Aunt K, Katie, and Amanda

Pretty as a picture! We also bought her a zoo hot, but it was a bit big. It worked to keep the sun off her head though.

Amanda Playing ball with Zeke this evening. He still can never get enough ball. If the doorbell rings, he thinks they must be comming to play ball! The second pucture here is the redbud tree. We told you storms took it this spring. It is starting to grow back from the bottom.
It has been an exciting day! Daddy used the car dolly to get the van. It broke down on Jonathan on his way home from work. They got the van unloaded at the repair shop and were heading home when Ryan called. His car was broke down also!

1 comment:

Keah Payne said...

How much fun! Glad to see the zoo again. The pictures are awesome! Give Nana and Aunt Cindy birthday hugs for me. Love you.